Enter the virtual world of... .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | .-------. .--------. .--------------------------------------. | | | | `==. .==' h e `==. v3.5 | | | | `--. | | .--------. `===========================. | | | | | | | | .==.__| h a t t i n g | | | | | | `==' | | __ .--------. | | | | | `-------. | `--' | `===. .' o n e .---' | | | | Written by: | `========' .' .' .-----------' | | | | JC Digita 1995 `-----------. .' '---. | | | | `==============================' `========' `=======================' | `=============================================================================' What is TCZ?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TCZ (The Chatting Zone) is relatively new multi-user UK talker on the Internet (Opened to the public at the beginning of December 1994.) You can talk to other users from all over the world in REAL TIME, explore the vast modern day town that has been built up by our users or even try your hand at building your own place (Be it a house, or even an adventure for other users to play and enjoy.) The Chatting Zone is a FREE service - there are no usage charges or subscription fees. How to get there... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To connect to TCZ, you'll need Telnet access. Using Telnet or a Telnet client, open a connection to reliant.lasermoon.co.uk 8342 or 8342. Once connected, you'll be asked for your name - this can be up to 20 characters long and will be who you'll be known as on TCZ. Providing no-one else is using the name you entered, you'll be asked whether you'd like to create a character with that name - enter YES. Next you'll see our disclaimer - please read this carefully, and then type ACCEPT to accept the terms detailed in it. Then you'll be asked to enter a password for your character - this must be at least 6 characters long. Your password is used to prevent other users of TCZ from malliciously using your character - please choose a password that you can remember, otherwise you won't be able to connect again as this character. You'll then be asked to enter your password again for verification - this is a safeguard in case you've typed it incorrectly the first time, or have already forgotten it :) You'll then be asked for your gender - please be honest about this and enter either MALE, FEMALE, NEUTER appropriately. After this you'll be asked for your race - example races are 'Human', 'Alien', etc. You'll then be asked for your E-mail address. This is for admin. purposes only and will be kept STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and cannot be seen by anyone else except the game's administators (Unless you decide to make it public using the EMAIL PUBLIC command - when you do this, any other user who looks at you or uses the 'finger'/'scan' command on you will see your E-mail address.) Getting started... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Having done all the above, you should find yourself in our room for new users (Welcome to the Chatting Zone.) To begin with, you should read our tutorial for new users by typing HELP TUTORIAL (If you've used other talkers/adventure games and know what you're doing, just take a look at HELP CHATTING and HELP GENERAL for details of the main commands and talking commands.) Once you've read the tutorial, etc. and feel ready to enter the virtual world of TCZ for real, type PUB - this will take you to The Swan Pub, which is where most people meet (And you're more than likely to find plenty of people to talk to there.) If you get stuck... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you get stuck, simply type ASSIST - this will let any connected game administators know that you need help, so they can come over and give you a hand. If it says there are no connected admin., try asking other users - someone should be able to give you a hand. Abusive users... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If another user starts being abusive towards you, against your will, there are several things you can do about it... (1) Gripe a complaint about them using the GRIPE command - this will let any connected admin. know so they can sort out the problem user, e.g: gripe Fred Bloggs is being really abusive - please sort him out. (2) If they're being really abusive, you can use the EMERGENCY command to log everything typed for the next 5 minutes so we have evidence and can take appropriate action, e.g: emergency Fred Bloggs is being really abusive to everyone. (3) Go to another room, or even better, lease a flat in The Chatting Zone Luxury Flats (Type FLATS to go there and then LEASE to lease your very own flat - if you leave your flat at any time, you can get back into it by typing FLATS and ENTER) and then only let friends up by getting them to CALL you on the flats intercom and then typing ENTER to let them up. The Chatting Zone Contribution Scheme... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Chatting Zone Contribution Scheme (Or TCZ CS for short) is a VOLUNTARY contribution scheme ran between admin. and anyone else who'd like to help us keep TCZ up and running as smoothly as possible. TCZ is a FREE service, so without this scheme, we cannot buy much needed memory and better hardware for the server machine TCZ runs on. Any contributions (No matter how small or large) are welcome - if you'd like to help us keep TCZ running by making a contribution, please E-mail tcz@lasermoon.co.uk PLEASE NOTE: The contribution scheme is entirely VOLUNTARY.